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The best Sims 4 sex mods for PC

Sims 4 sex mods: Pillow talk


What are the best Sims 4 sex mods? Sex mods are a huge market among fans of the life sim – we all want a little more action when our Sims get… close. Thankfully, the fantastic mod community knows it, and there are hundreds of Sims 4 mods that let you tailor your experience in countless ways, from just canoodling in bed, to buying a strip club, and then the altogether more risqué. And of course, getting rid of that pesky mosaic blur.

Unsurprisingly, most of the best PC games don’t include much hanky panky. Well, some do, and you’ll find them in our list of the best sex games. We all know, meanwhile, that The Sims has always featured relatively subtle WooHoo, but what if you could make it all a little less… vanilla? Well, while some of the best The Sims 4 sex mods are still relatively PG, you’ll find features listed here that wouldn’t fly on Stardew Valley. There are even naughtier mods for the life sim out there if you want to find them, but here’s our list of the best Sims 4 sex mods.

The best Sims 4 sex mods:

Pillow Talk

At the end of “woohoo” in The Sims 4, it can be a bit awkward. After all, the sims are pretty primitive and so you’ll often find that straight after an intimate moment they’ll be straight in the kitchen to microwave a pastry – not very romantic at all.

To make woohoo a little more special, there’s a mod called Pillow Talk that makes your sims spend a few moments snuggling before their attention turns back to baked goods. Mod creator Shimrod101 has ensured that whispering secrets, tickling, and kissing actions are all included, along with something they term ‘snuggle nuzzle’. We’ve not experienced that one yet, but it sounds lovely.

A male Sim holds out his phone to a female Sim in Sims 4 sex mod SIMDA Dating App

SimDa dating app

Being that dating apps are such an integral part aspect of real-life romance, it’s only natural that a dating app would make its way into the virtual world of The Sims 4. The “SimDa” dating app mod introduces a whole new way of dating.

Created by LittleMsSam, this mod lets your sims access an app on their phone that lets them organize a specific or blind date, and even set up no-strings-attached one-night stands and hook-up calls from NPCs.

A split image showing the same man peeing in a toilet, with one uncensored, from the Sims 4 sex mod Crystal Clear, No Censor

Crystal clear, no censor mod

It’s about time that weird pixel blur when your sims get naked was gone. Moxiemason’s No mosaic / censor mod removes the angular haze that appears on your sims when they take a shower, use the bath or toilet, or breastfeed.

The mod doesn’t allow you to make your sims naked 24/7 – there are other mods for that – but it does work when your sims streak, so that’s all you need to know.

A green transulant female Sims is visibly pregnant in sims 4 sex mod Ghosts can have babies!

Ghosts can have babies!

With PolarBearSims’ Ghosts can have babies! even ghosts can experience the beauty of childbirth. And no, you won’t have ghost babies (that’s a bit grim), but ghosts will birth squishy, fleshy babies for your sim and their ghost partner to look after – in the Sims universe it’s not even that weird.

Sims 4 sex mods: Longer shorter pregnancy, a couple stand in an embrace in three separate images, each with one female in different stages of pregnancy.

Longer/Shorter Pregnancy

Installing the Longer/Shorter Pregnancy mod created by Havem means your sim can go through a full trimester of pregnancy instead of the normal three days. And if one baby isn’t enough for you, then ArtUrlWWW’s Pregnancy mega mod will let your sims give birth to triplets, quintuplets, and sextuplets – the more screaming, pooping bundles of joy, the merrier!

Sims 4 sex mods: A picture of a bed with the clear shape of people under the covers and hearts above it, with the words "Risky WooHoo: Try for baby chances" over it.

Risky WooHoo

For those times when passion takes over, PolarBearSims returns again to this list with their Risky WooHoo mod that increases the chances of your sim getting pregnant. The option of ‘Woohoo’ is replaced with ‘Risky WooHoo’, so there’s always a chance that your sim will get pregnant. This mod also includes different fertility levels and your sims’ chances of becoming pregnant increase and decrease depending on where you do the deed. And, just like PolarBearSims’ other mod above, ghosts can still have babies in this one, too.

The Sims 4 sex mods: Wicked Whims romance menu


Finally, the big one. The WickedWhims mega-mod by Turbodriver is one of the most well-known and most popular Sims 4 sex mods. WickedWhims includes a range of sexy additions, from strip clubs to sweating, and polyamory to pubic hair.

You can check out the intimacies for yourself by reading the full list of changes on the mod’s features page, but the WickedWhims mod isn’t only about your sims getting it on. Some features deal with grown-up subjects like pregnancy, exhibitionism, and medical issues, too.

While those are some of the best Sims 4 sex mods, there are loads more options if you want to change even more about your Sims gameplay experience, especially on the Sims 4 CurseForge game mods hub. For example, you could get some unique furniture (perhaps a new bed?) with some of the best Sims 4 CC packs. But what about sex in The Sims 5? We’ve had some thoughts about what we’d like to see in the upcoming follow-up.

Original article by Rachel Watts.

